News Story
UMD-ITS Host Seminar Featuring Kimley Horn Engineers

On Thursday March 3rd, University of Maryland ITS-ITE student chapter held a seminar, in which Mr. Jiaxin Tong and Mr. Edwin Cheng from Kimley-Horn presented their recent project with VDOT and the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). The topic of the seminar is “Transform 66 Outside the Beltway –Multimodal Solutions from 495 to Haymarket”. The goal of the project is to transform 25 miles of I-66 from U.S. Route 15 in Haymarket to I-495/Capital Beltway into a multimodal corridor that moves traffic and people more efficiently. Under the proposed plan, I-66 would be improve to provide:
- Three regular lanes and two express lanes in each direction
- Dynamic toll prices to keep free-flow on express lanes
- High-frequency bus service in the express lanes with predictable travel times
- Enhanced commuter park and ride lots and direct access to express lanes
- Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies making it easier and more affordable to use alternative travel options
In addition, the improvement would be brought by the projects, details of modeling approaches, project schedule, and challenges were introduced by the presenters. The values of the project to the researchers and practitioners are:
- A tiered process to determine a variety of improvements for phased implementation
- Leveraging multimodal solutions to improve the corridor whereas no single solution can satisfy the purpose and needs
- A systematic approach for corridor-wide interchange modification and traffic operations analyses
Published March 9, 2016