News Story
NTC@Maryland Cohost Workshop on Automated Vehicle Policy and Regulation

The focus of this workshop is to identify key principles the states will need to wrestle with in order to craft effective policy to enable the safe operation of advanced automated vehicles (sometimes called autonomous, self- driving, or driverless vehicles) on their roadways. The current approach is unsystematic considering the huge impact this new technology will have on our roads. A few states permit testing of these vehicles either through legislation or order of the governor, while others are testing without official approval. In the interim states are relying on their existing vehicle laws to govern automated and autonomous vehicle operations until appropriate policy and regulations are identified.
With this as background and point of departure, this workshop seeks to identify key principles that can provide a foundation for the common operation of automated vehicles across all states. This is critical to insure safe operations, efficient travel, and environmental benefits at the introduction of automated vehicles as well as to speed the deployment of future advances.
The full flyer with speakers and workshop schedule can be viewed here: link
To register for the event, follow this link:
To view a live stream of the event, click here:
The workshop co-sponsored by the I-95 Corridor Coalition (, the University of Maryland Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (
The discussion about state policy and regulatory needs for highly automated (self-driving) vehicles is the focus of this workshop sponsored by the NTC at UMD. Themes from the NTC workshop will be continued at the June 21-22 Conference "Connected and Automated Vehicles : What States Need to Know." More information available at
Published March 23, 2016