MTI Distinguished Seminar Series: Diana Furchtgott-Roth

As part of the Maryland Transportation Institute's Distinguished Seminar Series, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology at the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) spoke at the University of Maryland on Tuesday (February 25).

Before a capacity crowd that included transporation researchers and policymakers, students, and interested members of the general public, Furchtgott-Roth provided an overview of the department's initiatives and prioritiesl covering topics that ranged from rideshare to automated and connected vehicles.

"We are honored to have had the opportunity to host Deputy Assistant Secretary Furchtgott-Roth as part of our seminar series, and we thank her not only for delivering an engaging and informative presentation, but for engaging the questions posed by our audience." said MTI's director, Herbert Rabin Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Lei Zhang. "Events such as this connect audiences with key decision makers and thought leaders in the transportation field--and that's one of our aims here at MTI."

Throughout her career, Furchtgott-Roth has sought to promote innovation in America’s transportationsystem and lower barriers to the development of new technology. Prior to joining USDOT, she was Acting Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the U.S. Department of Treasury.

She has been a senior fellow and director of Economics21 at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research and an adjunct professor of economics at The George Washington University. She previously served as Chief Economist of the U.S. Department of Labor; Chief of Staff of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers; Deputy Executive Director of the Domestic Policy Council; and Junior Staff Economist at the Council of Economic Advisers. Ms. Furchtgott-Roth is the author of five books and was a columnist for and Tax Notes. 

For more information about the MTI Distinguished Serminar Series, contact Connie Tang, assistant direcctor for research and outreach, at

Published March 1, 2020