Hyoshin Park Wins 2nd Prize Student Paper Award at TRF 2015

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Mr. Hyoshin Park was awarded the 2nd prize winner of student paper award of the 2015 Transportation Research Forum (TRF) Annual Meeting. The award was given by the TRF Foundation during the Awards Luncheon held at Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center in Atlanta, GA on Mar 14, 2015.
Originally from Seoul, Korea, Mr. Park has earned bachelor’s degrees in Physics and Urban Engineering and a master’s degree in Transportation Engineering from Yonsei University. He is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maryland (UMD). Under the supervision of Dr. Ali Haghani, he worked on the Vehicle Probe Project sponsored by I-95 Corridor Coalition and several state DOTS.  In this award winning paper titled “Optimal Number and Location of Bluetooth Sensors Considering Stochastic Travel Time Prediction”, he demonstrated a novel optimal number and location of Bluetooth sensors using stochastic and dynamic approaches.
Congratulations Hyoshin!

Published March 17, 2015