As a part of UMD Year of Data Science initiative, this workshop, March 30 - April 3, aims at strengthening multidisciplinary research to answer various substantive important research questions that arise at granular levels by extracting relevant information from multiple structured and unstructured databases. The workshop will serve as a bridge among statisticians, survey methodologists, engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, and others interested in combining information from multiple databases in developing reliable inferences at granular levels.
Organizers: Partha Lahiri, Joint Program in Survey Methodology & Department of Mathematics,
Cinzia Cirillo, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Sponsors: University of Maryland College Park
Office of the Provost, University of Maryland College Park
Maryland Transportation Institute (MTI), University of Maryland College Park
Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM)
Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland College Park
United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific
Researchers from the following external agencies, organizations and universities will actively participate in the workshop:
Census Bureau
Department of Energy
Bureau of Labor Statistics
HydroQuebec, Canada
Indian Statistical Institute
Italian National Institute of Statistics
The National Center for Health Statistics
National Cancer Institute
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
University of Calcutta, India
University of Montreal, Canada
University of Pisa, Italy
University of Trier, Germany
The World Bank