Alternative project delivery has been increasingly used in Maryland and other states. While this innovative practice produced significant schedule and cost improvement, the potential benefits have not been fully achieved. In Maryland, there is a need for the transportation agency to utilize alternative project delivery methods in a timely and proactive manner and on a larger scale. This project aims to help the agency to develop a strategic and integrated approach on how to efficiently and effectively identify, develop, procure, and manage projects utilizing alternative project delivery methods. It is anticipated that the study will be based on a comprehensive review of the best practices in other States and a thorough investigation of issues and challenges while implementing alternative project delivery at SHA. The study will help the agency move beyond a project-level benefit to a program level, and leads to more efficient usage and certainty of program budgets in addition to the reduction of timeframes in project schedules.
It is anticipated that the research findings and final deliverables will be reviewed and approved by SHA before implementation. The research team will develop clear recommendations, implementation plan, and training materials to facilitate the effective application of alternative project delivery.