Bethany M. Stich
University of New Orleans
Project Report:
NTC 2014 Information Form_Principal Investigator_Bethany Stich_September 2014.pdf
NTC 2015 Information Form_Principal Investigator_Bethany Stich_September 2015.pdf
NTC2014-SU-R-16 Bethany Stich.pdf
Subject Area:
Applied Research
This research seeks to validate the application of CRS&SI technologies to collect data and provide a multi-user, multi criterion decision-making framework for the development and coordination of e-Navigation technology for the maritime industry with the purpose of improving commercial shipping safety and security. The proposed research includes but is not limited to: • The definition and scope of the concept of e-Navigation in terms of its purpose, components and limitations; • The identification of the key issues and priorities that will have to be addressed in a strategic vision and a policy framework on e-Navigation and how CRS&SI technologies can be integrated into this strategic vision; • The identification of both benefits and obstacles that may arise in the further development of the strategic vision and policy framework; • The identification of the roles of the IMO, its Member States, other bodies and industry in such development; and • The support, integration and possible development of CRS&SI technologies to assist the maritime industry’s efforts at coordination.