NTC2014-SU-R-03] Congestion Mitigation Potential of Autonomous (Driverless) Vehicles: A Scenario Based Approach


Xuesong Zhou

Arizona State University



Project Report: 

NTC 2014 Information Form_Principal Investigator_Xuesong Zhou_Autonomous Vehicles_September 2014.pdf

NTC 2015 Information Form_Principal Investigator_Xuesong Zhou_September 2015.pdf

NTC2014-SU-R-03 Xuesong Zhou.pdf

Subject Area: 

Advanced Research



The advent of new vehicular technologies has raised considerable debate about the potential impacts of such disruptive technologies on traveler behavior, demand for transportation services and infrastructure, and transportation network performance. There are a number of disruptive technologies that are being considered with various levels of automation, control, and communication protocols. The US Department of Transportation has ongoing initiatives related to the deployment of connected vehicle systems, and the development of analysis, modeling, and simulation tools that would facilitate the analysis of the impacts and potential congestion benefits that such connected vehicle infrastructure systems may provide. The challenge facing the profession is that there is very little information, analysis, modeling, or behavioral studies that provide a rigorous prediction of the potential impacts of these technologies on human activity‐travel behavior, freight systems, public transit and taxi systems, and household and firm location choices (land use). The overall goal of this project is to develop a rigorous framework that is founded on sound behavioral constructs and analytical methods that would allow the accurate estimation of the impacts of autonomous, driverless, connected, and other advanced vehicular technologies under a variety of scenarios.



