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Friday, January 16, 2015
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Kim Engineering Building, Kay room 1107-1111 (1st floor), University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
Organizer: Dr. Cinzia Cirillo

11:00 Oliver Gao (Cornell University)
Title: From transportation emissions to public health - Are we doing the right thing, and doing it right?
11:30 Don Pickrell (VOLPE)
Title: Has growth in Automobile use ended?
12:00 Cinzia Cirillo (University of Maryland)
Title: The present and the future of car ownership and use in the US
12:30 Ricardo Daziano (Cornell University)
Title: Are consumers ready for driverless cars? Analyzing response to self-driving attributes.
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Elisabetta Cherchi (DTU – Copenhagen DK)
Title: Formation of preferences and attitudes in the choice of Electric Vehicles.
14:30 Davide Cerruti (University of Maryland)
Title: Behavioral response to environmental taxation: evidence from the Vehicle Excise Duty in the UK.
15:00 Scott Le Vine (SUNY New Paltz (USA) and Imperial College London (UK))
Title: Speculative versus classical explanations of young adults’ decline in auto-mobility: Results from Britain.
15:30 Jacob Ward (DOE – Vehicles Technologies Office)
Conclusions and Discussion