ENCE 370 Introduction to Transportation Engineering & Planning (3 credits) 
Prerequisites: ENCE201, (PHYS260 and PHYS261 {Formerly: PHYS262}) and permission of department. Engineering problems of transportation by highways, airways, pipelines, waterways, and railways. Transportation modes and technologies, vehicle dynamics, basic facility design, traffic stream models, capacity analysis, transportation planning, evaluation and choice, and network analysis.

ENCE 470 Highway Engineering (3 credits)
Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. 
Prerequisite: ENCE302, ENCE370 and permission of department. Highway location and design, highway engineering economics, traffic engineering, traffic measurement devices and technologies. Includes discussion of technological advances in traffic flow and capacity, such as signal systems, corridor control, automatic driver information, incident detection and autonomous vehicle operation. 

ENCE 472 Transportation Engineering (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ENCE302, ENCE370 and permission of department. Transportation engineering concepts including transportation systems analysis, airport systems, airline and airport operations, marine transportation and urban public transportation systems. 

ENCE 670 Highway Traffic Characteristics and Measurements (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ENCE 470 or permission of instructor. 
The study of the fundamental traits and behavior patterns of road users and their vehicles in traffic. The basic characteristics of the pedestrian, the driver, the vehicle, traffic volume and speed, stream flow and intersection operation, parking, and accidents.

ENCE 672 Regional Transportation Planning (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ENCE 471 or permission of instructor. 
Factors involved and the components of the process for planning statewide and regional transportation systems, encompassing all modes. Transportation planning studies, statewide traffic models, investment models, programming and scheduling. 

ENCE 673 Urban Transportation (3 credits)
The contempory methodology of urban transportation planning. The urban transportation planning process, interdependence between the urban transportation system and the activity system, urban travel demand models, evaluation of urban transportation alternatives and their implementation. 

ENCE 674 Urban Transit Planning and Rail Transportation
Engineering (3 credits)

Prerequisite: ENCE 471 or permission of instructor. 
Basic engineering components of conventional and high speed railroads and of air cushion and other high speed new technology. The study of urban rail and bus transit. The characteristics of the vehicle, the supporting way, and the terminal requirements will be evaluated with respect to system performance, capacity, cost, and level of service. 

ENCE 675 Airport Planning and Design (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ENCE 471 or permission of both department and instructor. 
The planning and design of airports including site selection, runway configuration, geometric and structural design of the landing area, and terminal facilities. Methods of financing airports, estimates of aeronautical demand, air traffic control, and airport lighting are also studied.

ENCE 676 Highway Traffic Flow Theory (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ENCE 461 and ENCE 462; or permission of instructor. 
An examination of physical and statistical laws that are used to represent traffic flow phenomena. Deterministic models including heat flow, fluid flow, and energy-momentum analogies, car following models, and acceleration noise. Stochastic approaches using independent and Markov processes, Queuing models, and probability distributions.

ENCE 677 OR Models for Transprotation Systems Analysis (3 credits)
Fundamental skills and concepts of the quantitative techniques of operations research including: mathematical modeling, linear programming, integer programming, network optimization (shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, minimum cost network flows, maximum flows), heuristics, and basics of probabilistic modeling. Emphasis on the application of these techniques to problems arising in transportation.

ENCE 681 Freight Transportation Analysis (3 credits)
Application of operations research and system analysis methods to freight transportation systems. Cost and output analysis, terminal location, freight transportation demand models, freight transportation network equilibrium models and analytic models for analyzing the operations of rail, motor carrier, water carrier and air cargo systems.

ENCE688C Advanced Traffic System Control
This course offers some state-of-art traffic control theories and models for contending with both recurrent and non-recurrent traffic congestion patterns. The primary contents include local ramp metering control, integrated ramp system control, interchange off-ramp controls, adaptive local signal control, and dynamic corridor control that consists both freeways and arterials.

ENCE 688G Survey Methods in Transportation
Preliminary planning of survey; selection of survey methods and sampling procedure. Pilots and survey administration. National household travel survey and travel diary. Revealed and stated preference survey with application to transportation case studies. 

ENCE 688I Discrete Choice Analysis
Methods and statistics of model estimation; maximum-likelihood estimation; individual choice theory; binary choice models; multi-dimensional choice models; sampling theory and sample design; aggregate prediction with choice models; joint stated preference and revealed preference modeling, and longitudinal choice analysis; review of state-of-the-art and future directions.

ENCE 688I Sustainable Transportation (3 credits) 
Description: This course is aimed at transportation, urban planning, and public policy graduate students with an interest in transportation and sustainability. The course will start with an overview of sustainability definitions, and major sustainability issues such as congestion, urban sprawl, energy, pollution, habitat, and livability. In order to achieve sustainability in transportation systems, it is important to employ proper modeling methods and planning tools to understand the linkages between transportation, economic, land use, social, environmental, and ecological systems. Students will learn optimization, statistical/econometric, simulation, and GIS methods for modeling these linkages. By working on several real-world case studies, students will also develop knowledge on how to apply these models to design effective places and networks, and to promote sustainable development and growth.

ENCE 688L Advances in Transportation Demand Analysis
This course describes the new generation of discrete choice methods, focusing on the many advances that have occurred in the last ten years. Each of the major models is covered: logit, generalized extreme value (including nested and cross-nested logits), probit, and mixed logit, plus a variety of specifications that build on these basics. 

ENCE 688Q Transportation Economics (3 credits) 
Description: Transportation Economics applies economic theories to transportation engineering and planning. Topics include: demand and demand forecasting, cost and cost estimation, externalities pricing, investment, regulation, industrial organization, economic impact, equity, and other social/environmental issues. Applications and special topics cover urban, intercity, and multimodal transportation. 

ENCE 688T Transportation Network Algorithms and Implementations
This course will focus on network optimization algorithms for transportation and logistics systems. The application of these techniques to the determination of optimal routes and tours for various transportation and logistics applications will be stressed. In addition to introducing a wide variety of network-related problems and existing techniques for solving a number of these problems, one of the goals of the course is to help the class participants to develop skills in creating and evaluating new algorithms and heuristics. 

ENCE 688W Emergency Management in Transportation 
This course addresses the many facets of emergency planning and post-disaster response from a transportation optimization perspective. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, evaluation of risk and safety; evacuation of buildings, complexes and geographic regions; contraflow and other traffic control techniques for evacuation with and without notice; emergency response districting, location, routing, scheduling, dispatching and fleet management; warning systems and other techniques for improving situational awareness; crowd behavior and pedestrian issues in emergencies; issues of emergency planning related to the disabled; role of human behavior, poverty and other issues from a social science perspective; role of the military and government and non-government organizations; and legal and moral issues. 


As the field of transportation is interdisciplinary in nature, our students take courses in many other disciplines. Additionally, transportation-related courses are offered in Urban Planning, the Business School and in other departments within the College of Engineering.